Monday, September 16, 2013

OMG .......

How long I didn't post anything! Shame on me
I waited such a long time for followers so started to quit on this but now I visited my blog and found out that I have follower, so thanks to You my dear follower! I will continue my story on sewing and creating garments!!!
In this long time, I have done many things and learned many interesting new things on sewing and garment construction-pattern making. I am attending a fashion designer who is in this business for 20 years and she is teaching me all of her knowledge in fashion design, pattern making and sewing! I'm so exsited and thrilled!
Also I do some orders on clothing for costumers, yes I have few of them )))) very happy! And that is the beggining of the new profession for me!!!
Have made some upgrade on my little sewing studio, bought professional sewing machine, it is so much easier to work with it!
I will now on post my process on learning, garment making, working with customers and my Family ))))

And again - thank you my dear follower!!!!

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