After long hesitations and doubts - I've bought Ruffler and there was no disappointment :) It realy works and works good and fast, easy to use with big efficiency
I need to make a petticoat for my Sew Along Coat, and I think it will help me a lot :)))
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Sew Along I Go :)
After little brake I'm catching up - in one week from Muslin to half coat.
Meters and meters of fabric for the skirt part!!! Coat is heavy......
Bound buttonholes - first time ever, not so bad and gives very nice and clean look on the garment
Pivot point was something challenging :)
And my half coat is ready:
I've decided to put some bias tape on the skirt and also I will sew between skirt and lining - a petticoat :) we will see how it will look like - maybe a little too much??? Coming up in the next week :)
After little brake I'm catching up - in one week from Muslin to half coat.
Meters and meters of fabric for the skirt part!!! Coat is heavy......
Bound buttonholes - first time ever, not so bad and gives very nice and clean look on the garment
Pivot point was something challenging :)
And my half coat is ready:
I've decided to put some bias tape on the skirt and also I will sew between skirt and lining - a petticoat :) we will see how it will look like - maybe a little too much??? Coming up in the next week :)
Ziema ir klāt!!! Winter!!!
Vakardien izkrita pirmais sniegs! Bērniem lieli prieki un izbrīns, pašai arī priecīgāks prāts un rosīgas domas sāka skriet, plānoties jau Ziemassvētku sagatavošanās darbiņi - Ziemassvētku kartiņas, mājas dekori, aktivitātes ar bērniem.......plāni lieli kā Napaleonam, jāsāk tik rosīties!
Ķirbīši stāv un gaida Halloween
Brīvdienās tiks grebti spociņi :)
Ķirbīši stāv un gaida Halloween
Brīvdienās tiks grebti spociņi :)
Monday, October 8, 2012
Esam cełā uz Adriano Celentano koncertu!!!
Dodamies uz Adriano Celentano koncertu Itālijā, pilsētā Verona - Romeo&Juliet pilsētā! Celentano jau 20 gadus kā nav sniedzis savu koncertu. Vińam tagad ir 74 gadi un vińš iepriecinās savas mūzikas cienītājus ar divim koncertiem. Un mēs dodamies, tikai ne pilnā sastāvā :(, meitenes palika mājās, bet puika ir līdzi, dodās savā pirmajā lidojumā!
Divas dienas Veronā un vēl uz divām dienām aizskriesim uz Vēnēciju - ja jau romantika, tad pēc pilnas programmas :))) Ceru atrast arī kādus interesantus audumu veikalińus, Venēcijā esot burvīgi audumu veikalińi kuros var atrast łoit skaistas mežgīnes un protams arī audumus!
Vēlāk zińošu!!!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Bērnudārzam - Nē
Ir pagājusi viena nedēļa kopš mēs izlēmām uz laiku iztikt bez bērnudārza! Agrāk vecākai meitiņai (3 gadi) bija katru rītu vārds "Nē" pirms došanās uz bērnudārzu un kad viņu veda uz bērnudārzu, tad viss bērna attieksmē liecināja, ka viņa ļoti pārdzīvo došanos uz bērnudārzu......un kas mūs sagaidīja vakaros......bērna niķi un stiķi pa pilnu programmu!!! Tāpēc izlēmām uz kādu laiku pamēģināt padarboties mājas apstākļos, redzēt kā tad bērns izturās un kā mēs paši ar to tiksim galā.
Tad Lūk, pirmā nedēļa ir pagājusi! Ļoti cītīgi darbojāmies, mums bija "Miķeļdienu Nedēļa". Veidojām no dārzeņiem visu ko vien var iedomāties, pētījām dabu, baudījām sauli (kad viņa mūs priecēja) un kopā pavadījām laiku!
Protams bērni bija ļoti laimīgi nojaunumiem, ka var tagad dzīvoties
pa mājām, no rīta ilgāk pagulēt,
baudīt mammas garšīgos ēdienus
un kopā būšana! Pamanīju, ka
māsas vēl vairāk satuvinājās šīs
nedēļas laikā.
Un visam vēl pa vidu mazais brālis, viņam nācās uz visu noskatīties no malas, bet viņš arī baigi vēl neprotestē :)))
Mūsu izveidotā ežu ģimene!!!
Kopumā gāja jautri! Man izaicinājums - visus garšīgi un veselīgi pabarot, veltīt visiem laiku (arī vīram:)), turēt māju kārtībā un starot! Tiešām izaicinājums, dienas beigās esmu noskrējusies un sagurusi, bet katru rīt, Paldies Dievam, man ir vēl vairāk spēku - tas ir brīnums :)))
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Sew Along Coat - Muslin 2
Hi there!!!
At last I got mine sewing machine from repair and I can go on!!!
Here is my muslin with 2 sizes down and on the back I've extended darts. Still there is something not so good with sleeves.....
At our Flickr Sew Along group I've got positive feedback on changing darts at the back side of the bodice, it also worked well for the bulkiness at the back!!!Thursday, September 20, 2012
Sew Along Coat- Muslin
Hello Darlings!
I'm making my FIRST muslin. Cutting out patterns. Those wooden stylish fabric weight holders are from Denmark, famous Georg Jensen designer! It was a present and I didn't know how to use these stylish elements, now they suit very well :)))
I did hand stitching, because my sewing machine is on maintenance and it's not ready yet, so I'm improving my hand stitching!
Hand stitching is very relaxing - needle in, needle out etc, thinking positive and good thoughts and thread is going smoothly without tackling :)
And this is my muslin. Not sure about chosen size...... I think it's too bulky.
Not so good.....
Did some corrections on chosen fabric and lining. Prior to this fabric I'd chosen heavy wool and didn't like it, so now this fabric is lighter! I think very classic - white and black with pink lining!
Here you can see how big it is on the back
Today I'm making smaller size, hoping it will save the day!!! :)
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Sew Along - Gertie's Coat
Hi everyone! This Post is about Sew Along project for Gertie's coat (Butterick B5824). Few days ago I received this pattern and now I'm ready to start.
I joined this Sew Along group for my first sew along and for my first time sewing coat. There's everything for the first time for me, because I never ever done a muslin before, that would be very interesting and instructive for me!
This is a fabric which I've chosen, it is medium weight wool, black and white, very classic!
Till the 1st of october I've to finish a muslin of the bodice, hoping Gertie will help on this!
I will post on my success :) (hoping on success) :)
I joined this Sew Along group for my first sew along and for my first time sewing coat. There's everything for the first time for me, because I never ever done a muslin before, that would be very interesting and instructive for me!
Till the 1st of october I've to finish a muslin of the bodice, hoping Gertie will help on this!
I will post on my success :) (hoping on success) :)
Friday, September 14, 2012
Few days ago I received a package - The Colette Sewing Handbook! It is FANTASTIC, very inspiring
I liked how the author Sarai Mitnick wrote about fashion in these days - "fast fashion", when stores change their stock every few weeks and we want more and more, we don't know when to stop when to think what we really want?!? We start to lose our inner taste and inner desire for our own style. Then in this book I found very useful tips on sewing, mood boards, gathering inspiration, making and planing strategy and pattern making. Of course beautiful patterns!!!
I liked how the author Sarai Mitnick wrote about fashion in these days - "fast fashion", when stores change their stock every few weeks and we want more and more, we don't know when to stop when to think what we really want?!? We start to lose our inner taste and inner desire for our own style. Then in this book I found very useful tips on sewing, mood boards, gathering inspiration, making and planing strategy and pattern making. Of course beautiful patterns!!!
Marks first day out with girls!
After two days spending at home we decided to try going out! Weather beautiful, sun is shining and we are happy!
So, now I'm fully back in action with all my family on wheels :)
So, now I'm fully back in action with all my family on wheels :)
My little hero!
The big day came on 4th of september. Now I'm a lucky girl with two girls and two boys (one is my husband (: )! Still in hospital, soon we're going home, big and great things awaiting me!
Here are some photos of the big event! This is just before birth. Both me and my husband awaiting:
Here I look calm and happy, waiting with peace the birth of my son! I gave birth by my self without any anaesthetic :)
And this is after 4days homecoming with my boy!!!
Here are some photos of the big event! This is just before birth. Both me and my husband awaiting:
Here I look calm and happy, waiting with peace the birth of my son! I gave birth by my self without any anaesthetic :)
And this is after 4days homecoming with my boy!!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Vintage book in my local bookstore!
Finally I found book what I was looking for! This book is in latvian language (my native language)!
Book was published in 1957 in Riga. These kind of books was very rare and women were waiting impatiently! This book is not so high fashion like Vogue's New Book for Better Sewing but it has many beautiful garments, tips on sewing and patternmaking.
Beautifull, elegant and practical. That can be said about all vintage clothing!
If you are interested in some other interesting patterns from this book, I will share with you with pleasure. :)))
Not so many colorfull pictures but still very informative and inspiring!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Vakar vakarā piedzima mans trešais brīnums!!!
Kas par baudu tagad ir sēdēt uz gultas malas un lūkoties mazā brīnumā, kas guł man blakus! Piedzima puika, vārdu mēs devām Marks! Marks piedzima ar 3360gr lielu svaru, 52cm garš, melniem, melniem matiem un melnām acīm. Tas lielais darbińš ir padarīts, gandarījums man ir łoti liels un łoti liels ir atvieglojums! Tagad priekšā ir sagaidāms cītīgs māmińas darbs ar trim bērniem mājās un atgūšanās savās formās :), ko man łoti gribās panākt pēc iespējas ātrāk, lai būtu viegli un es pati sev varētu šūdināt skaistustērpus!!!
Piedzimšanas brīdī notiek brīnums, to mēs ar vīrińu katru reizi izjutām un tas ir brīnumaini skaisti, burvīgi, Dievīgi! Novēlu visiem izjust savu lielo brīnumu un varbūt pat vairākus :)))
Piedzimšanas brīdī notiek brīnums, to mēs ar vīrińu katru reizi izjutām un tas ir brīnumaini skaisti, burvīgi, Dievīgi! Novēlu visiem izjust savu lielo brīnumu un varbūt pat vairākus :)))
Friday, August 31, 2012
My due date is already here and my belly is groooowing :)
Sveiki! :)
That's me and my belly :)
And that's my youngest Princess :)
So, today I finished one of many garments and I'm very pleased with my work, because all seams and hems are regular, accurate. Clean work :)
And this blouse is good for oldest as top and for youngest as a dress!!!
That's me and my belly :)
And that's my youngest Princess :)
So, today I finished one of many garments and I'm very pleased with my work, because all seams and hems are regular, accurate. Clean work :)
And this blouse is good for oldest as top and for youngest as a dress!!!
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